
April 2019 Newsletter

Junior Club sessions:
Starting this Friday 3rd May, Phil our coach will be heading up a junior club session from 4-5.45 at the tennis club in the Recreation ground in Great Bowden. This will continue weekly and will be about friendly match play for juniors. 
Junior members are welcome to attend free of charge, so this represents very good value on your membership. Non members who have coaching are also welcome but will be charged £5 for the session. 
If you intend to turn up please contact Phil in advance on

Open Day:
Sunday 12th May from 2-5pm at the tennis club. Free junior coaching from 2-3pm, cardio tennis at 3.30pm. Free adult play will be based around this. Free refreshments during the afternoon. Why not come along and meet our members and visitors- bring along a friend, find out about coaching-are you a Rusty Racket? A beginner? a parent? an experienced payer? We have something for everyone. On the day there will be membership deals available. 

Advance notice : Breakpoint 2019-Saturday 22nd June at our tennis club 2-6pm
We are very lucky to have been chosen to be a venue for this exciting project.
Click on this link for more details:

...and finally-volunteers needed to help with our disabled coaching on Wednesdays from 1-3pm. if you could give us some time once a month please contact Lesley on 

Market Harborough Lawn Tennis Club