
Latest LTA Guidance

Further to clarification from the LTA please read the following rule changes taking place with immediate effect:

1. All buildings, clubhouse, changing rooms etc are fully open and there is no restriction on the number of people using them. 

2. On court furniture such as scoreboards or benches can be fully utilised with no restrictions.

3. Net winders and measures can be restored.

4. Mask wearing and social distancing is no longer mandatory and is up to the individual, as is the practice of handshakes or fist bumps. Please remember to respect  those that do not wish to do so.

5. Spectators can return in full with no restrictions.

6. Contactless payment will continue on Saturdays for subs however cash will be accepted at the tuck shop for low value purchases.

7. The tuck shop will return Saturday 7 August.

8. Club night to return on Tuesday 10th. 2 courts will be reserved from 6pm for club night, there is no need to book, just turn up and join in.

9. Club morning to return on Sunday 15th.