
Corona Virus

Coronavirus Guidance: Protecting Yourself and Others

Keeping Safe and Healthy - Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance

The safety and wellbeing of all our members, coaches and visitors is of paramount importance.  We would like to assure you that at LLTC both the Club and Inside Out Tennis are following Government and Public Health England guidance regarding COVID-19 to take all necessary measures to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our members .

  As a non-contact sport in an open environment, we will be continuing to operate as normal for the time being but will continue to closely follow the guidance of the Government and Public Health England.  In the meantime we have taken actions to help reduce the spread of infection.   All play is at the discretion of members. 

What action we have taken and implications    

  • In order help reduce the spread of infection, we’re reminding all players, coaches and visitors to the Club of the importance of good hygiene.  Please observe the hygiene precautions displayed on site and follow the guidance available on the NHS website here.
  • IOT coaches and players are being instructed there will be no handshakes, high fives, hugs and  to maintain personal social distance 2-3 metres at all times. There will be no kinaesthetic learning by coaches (e.g. guiding swing paths etc.) We are asking all players to take the same precautions.
  • Loan rackets will be disinfected at the end of sessions.
  • Outdoor play only - we will cease to use the dome for all squad coaching with immediate effect.
  • There will be no social events in the club house until further notice and use of the clubhouse will be limited to toilet access and handwashing facilities only.


  • The Club games portion of Saturday coaching (i.e. the second hour) will be suspended for the time being due to court availability with the dome not in use for group sessions and to limit club house access.


  • There will be no Easter camp due to the need to use the club house.


  • IOT employed coaches have been provided with Government and NHS guidance on what action they need to take to reduce the risk of spread of infection, following latest Guidance available on the Public Health England website.


  • Coaches will direct junior players to hand wash at every opportunity.


  • All towels have been removed from the clubhouse washrooms and kitchen areas and replaced with disposable paper hand towels.


  • We are monitoring facilities regularly to ensure soap dispensers remain filled. 


  • Tissues are available in the washrooms and in the Clubhouse and  ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ signs displayed


  • We are reviewing our regular cleaning procedures and making changes necessary to ensure a high level of disinfection and will increase the frequency of cleaning, especially high touch areas such as door handles.

What you can do to help 

  • Please help to reduce the spread of infection through good personal hygiene
    • Frequent Hand washing is one of the easier and most effective ways to protect yourself and others.  Hand washing guidance signs are now displayed above all hand washing locations (20 seconds lather scrub/20 seconds rinse).  
    • Follow guidance displayed highlighting hygiene precautions to help reduce the spread of infection.
    • ‘Catch it, Bin it Kill it’ - cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of the tissue in the bin after use
  • All players are reminded to
    • wash hands before and after playing tennis
    • no handshakes/ hugs/ high 5’
    • to maintain personal distance of 2-3 metres at all times 
  • Familiarise yourself with the latest Public Health England guidance and please stay home if you have either 
    • a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
    • a new, continuous cough – this means you've started coughing repeatedly


  • All play is at the discretion of members. Any coaches or players who fall into the vulnerable groups below should not be participating in coaching sessions or going to the clubs for their own protection. “People in these vulnerable Groups should significantly limit their face-to-face interaction with friends and family as well if possible.


Vulnerable Groups

    • are aged 70 or over
    • have a long-term condition
    • are pregnant
    • have a weakened immune system


Information and Guidance

  • For the most up-to-date guidance please refer to the following websites:
    • NHS UK website.
    • For the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, a weakened immune system or those who are pregnant please refer to the NHS website.
    • Follow Government guidance if you are a returning traveller
    • All leagues have been cancelled until further notice – for more information and guidance see LTA guidance


  • If you need personal health advice specifically in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19), you should call the NHS 111 service or your GP. Please do not attend your GP or emergency department without phoning in advance.

We will continue to closely follow the advice of Public Health England and NHS and 

Many thanks for your cooperation.