
Newsletter February 2018

Medbourne Tennis Club

Newsletter February 2018

MTC Committee

At the AGM a new committee was voted in for the 2018/19 tennis year, the committee members and their roles are:

Chair: Mandy Gillam

Secretary: Sue Gardiner

Treasurer: Rob Price

Membership secretary and web editor: Clare Cunningham-Hill

Match secretary and Wimbledon Ballot: Jane Boulter

Court maintenance: Richard Coward

Marketing/ PR: Richard Garner

Contact details for all committee members can be found on the website and on the notice board at the club.


The membership fees will stay the same, which represent great value for our lovely members. Do encourage family and friends to join at these great prices!

Membership fees for 2018/19 year are due next month to receive the discount on adult and family memberships. An email will come out shortly advising on how to renew your membership.


Whilst a wide range of sessions are currently offered, we are hoping to set up a beginners coaching session. Watch this space!

Coaching: At present the club provides 5 coaching sessions.

Monday 9:30- 11:00 Ladies coaching

Wednesday 4:00-4:45 junior coaching (4-7years)

Wednesday 7:00-8:00 Adult coaching.   All with James

Sunday 10:00-11:00 juniors (8-12years)

Sunday 11:00-12:00 juniors (12-18years). Both with Paul

These coaches would love to see more juniors especially come along to the junior sessions – we are closer to summer now, so do send your kids along!


James is to run a fantastic two day junior summer camp – dates to come.


We shall run an open mixed American tournament on 6th May. This will be an opportunity to encourage new members and if they join on the day they will receive a discount on fees.

It is hoped that this year we would try and run another men's American tournament.


Court Maintenance: we hope these issues will soon be sorted.

  1.  Floodlight on court 1 not working and putting spikes on the lights.
  2. Additional stakes on car park end of court 1 to allow a bigger screen.
  3. Indicator light on court 1 not working.


The new committee is looking forward to the summer and to seeing you all on court as much as possible!


Mandy Gillam